Thinking of Joining?

Stay connected to the University of Michigan, meet other retirees, help advocate for your benefits, and attend meetings and learning opportunities that will engage you.

UMRA welcomes all retirees of the University of Michigan, employees who are eligible for retirement from the University, and spouses/partners of both groups as well as spouses/partners of deceased retirees.

Close up of the last empty piece in a jigsaw puzzle.
Read Before Proceeding

Are you now or were you previously a member?  Please contact [email protected] so we can reinstate your membership instead of applying for membership again.

If you do not meet the membership criteria above, but feel your membership should be considered as a ‘near retiree’,  DO NOT SUBMIT THIS FORM and instead send an explanatory email to [email protected].


If have read the membership criteria above, please join us today to enjoy all of the benefits of UMRA with a single yearly membership. Your spouse/partner will be included in your membership at no additional cost. Make sure to click the “Add Additional Contacts” button in the online membership form.

You can choose to join by mail by printing our membership form, filling in all fields, and mail it with a check payable to UMRA: 2005 Wolverine Tower, 3003 South State Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.

Application Review

Once you have submitted your online application it will be reviewed by UMRA staff to verify your retiree status. This is usually a 1-2 day process – joining by mail takes much longer – after which you will receive two emails from UMRA. The first is a Welcome email to confirm your membership and contains a link to create your UMRA online account to access the special Members-Only sections of this website. The second email is your membership invoice and contains a link to pay your annual dues either by check or credit card.


Once you are a member, you will receive a yearly automated email from UMRA, usually in July, which contains a direct link to pay your annual dues. You may not pay your membership dues in advance of this yearly email.

You do not need to join again or fill out an annual membership form. If something changes about your membership – spouse/partner contact or mailing address – please update your information under your Profile found under the Members-Only section of the website.

Payment Options

When you receive the email to pay your membership dues, you will be given the option to either pay online with your credit card or pay by check made out to UMRA and mailed to:

UMRA     2005 Wolverine Tower, 3003 South State Street     Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1281

Meet the University of Michigan Retirees Association

Thinking of joining? Watch this quick video to meet the University of Michigan Retirees Association. Stay connected to the University, meet other retirees just like you and attend meetings and learning opportunities that will engage you.

Get Connected. Stay Connected. Feel Connected.