Registration is now open for Active U 2025 on the MHealthy Portal! Tracking starts January 20.
It’s Active U’s 20th anniversary! Get moving and challenge yourself in MHealthy’s 12-week physical activity program. Join in with thousands of your U-M colleagues and friends as we all work towards the same goal – being active!
Active U is designed for every fitness and activity level and encourages you to get moving at least 150 minutes per week. Join a team or go it on your own – you decide what works best for you.
What to Look Forward to in Active U 2025:
- Active U T-shirts are here! Qualify for a coveted 20th anniversary T-shirt by successfully completing the program. Participants can also pay to upgrade to a different Active U item.
- Enter monthly 20th anniversary-themed Swag Squad drawings for a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card.
- Special downloads: Get 20th anniversary Zoom background and e-signature.
- Easy tracking on the MHealthy Portal or by syncing to your wearable device or fitness app.
- Weekly emails full of encouragement, physical activity tips and more.
- Access to the MHealthy Physical Activity Library on MiVideo, featuring more than 100 videos.
- Access to Active U’s Slack Channel, where you can connect with the Active U community. This year, look for opportunities to celebrate the 20th anniversary by posting throw-back photos, sharing memories and more!
- In celebration of the 20th year, let’s get moving towards 20 million minutes! Our progress towards 20 million will be included in Tuesday’s Tips.
How Active U Works:
- Register for Active U, January 6 – February 3, 2025, on the MHealthy Portal.
- Decide whether to participate as an individual, create a team or join an existing team.
- Planning to be a Team Captain? Reach out to your teammates early so you’re ready to go when tracking starts January 20! The deadline to create/join a team is February 3, 2025.
- Starting January 20, begin tracking your physical activity minutes in the Active U tracker. Use your computer, mobile device, or sync your wearable activity tracker.
- Keep moving each week (through April 13) to achieve your personal weekly exercise minutes goal (and earn your 2025 Active U T-shirt!).
- Throughout the program, you’ll receive weekly support and tips, have opportunities to win prizes, and can connect with others in the Active U community to help you stay motivated!